Gressier, Haiti

Founded in 1996, our mission is building young champions for Jesus Christ!

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Monday June 13, 2011 Update

It was another amazing day. The heat has come on us today like terrorist. It's the hottest day I have seen so far this year!

God worked in church today in spite of confusion and heat. I hardly know how to explain what happened. I have been weepy, and had to get my composure to even write to you about it!

Here is my view...we have prayed for the church, teams have focused on teaching and training and today was a day like when thousands went forward to go on a mission trip 2012 at Cross Church!

The pastor said "It is time for the church to rise up and commit to winning Haiti for Jesus. Stop living in your own fears and failings and rise up for Jesus!" He said "Anyone who is ready to move out and will commit to spending 30 minutes a day witnessing to a lost person, come forward." At least 90 percent of the church went forward!!!!

He said "We pastors have to start preaching for response to the living word and not settle for less!!!" This is a result of pastor Donnie's teaching this week. I am a little overwhelmed and humbled by it all.

All I can say is it is an awesome thing to be in the wake of a movement of our Holy God!!!


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