A few updates for you:
First, the church demo is complete!! What an amazing group of people from Texas and Oklahoma. At the risk of offending others, we LOVED these teams!! Thank you so much for just being who you were here in Haiti!
The teams started demo on the house next door (the doctor's house). They said today it was about 80% complete. The doctor, his wife and 10 yr old daughter were home at the time of the earthquake. The doctor was hurt, and his daughter was killed. I don't remember hearing any details the wife. One of the boys at JoyHouse, Fito, was finally able to get the young girl's body out of the house. He carried her down the hill to her mother and father.
This is the kind of thing that starts to heal a family overwhelmed with grief. We can never replace the loss, but we can show God's love and provide a helping hand. This is such a great act of kindness and Christian love!
In addition to all this, they have finished a few more columns and some work inside JoyHouse. They are also in the process of completing some work outside the house. What a blessing these teams have been!!
They worked together so well. They accomplished a great deal while they were here! We are so thankful for them!
Roy and Vic have been just SUPER!! They have organized the work and kept the teams going!
I spoke to Roy tonight and thanked him for all he has done. He mentioned that every time he talked to his wife, she commented on the blog and said she really enjoys hearing about all the work that is going on in Haiti. Thank you for reading and thank you for your comments!
The purpose of the blog has been two fold:
1. To share what we are doing in Haiti. We want to help you feel a part of the ministry share the blessings too!
2. To keep Haiti on your hearts and minds!! As Andrew Wade, from the Baptist Collegiate Ministry said tonight on the phone, "Even though the earthquake is over, the problem isn't over".
We will keep making frequent updates! Thank you for reading and thank you for GIVING, GOING and PRAYING!!!
Thank you for all of the updates! Our son Jimmy was there with the college station group. He said that you all were wonderful. I will keep up with your ministry via your blog. God bless you! Connie Burton